Natural Calm Supplement

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What Does Natural Calm Do?

Natural Calm is a fruity, effervescent drink that promotes healthy magnesium levels and balances calcium intake—helping you to feel less stressed and more relaxed. Good health is all about balance. A delicate balance must be maintained between the levels of magnesium and calcium in your body—especially at a cellular level. For example, calcium makes muscles contract, while magnesium allows them to relax. Calcium is needed for blood clotting, but magnesium keeps the blood flowing freely. The good news is your body knows exactly how to create this balance—that is, when it has the right amount of these two fundamental nutrients available. Our bodies were designed to obtain the nutrients we need from the food we eat, including plenty of magnesium. Sadly, most of us (an estimated 80 percent) don’t get enough magnesium in our diets, while we often take in an excess of calcium, mainly from dairy products and supplements. Both high-calcium diets and stress-filled lives deplete the magnesium in our bodies even further. That’s where Natural Calm comes in.

How Does Natural Calm Ease Stress?

When we are under stress, our cells—which in their resting state contain magnesium—go through a change. Calcium, normally outside the cells, enters the cells to create an action state. Nerve cells become excited and muscles tense. When the stress has passed, magnesium then pushes the calcium back out of the cells and everything relaxes. However, when there’s not enough magnesium, calcium remains in the cells, prolonging stress and creating magnesium-deficiency symptoms. You experience this as feeling stressed. Cellular magnesium deficiency can also express itself as fatigue and low energy; inability to sleep; muscle tension, spasms and cramps; anxiousness and nervousness; headaches; constipation and abnormal heart rhythms. Natural Calm , sourced from the ocean’s rich mineral content, delivers magnesium in a highly absorbable and quick-acting form. Its effectiveness—The CALM Experience—has made Natural Calm the leading magnesium supplement in the natural market.

Do You Need Natural Calm ?

The majority of us are not getting adequate magnesium, including many who already take magnesium supplements. There are three reasons for this: the amount of magnesium required by the body is greater than people think; fruits and vegetables have lost mineral content over time due to soil depletion; and some magnesium supplements are poorly absorbed by the body. Magnesium depletion can be caused by a number of stresses on the body, among them lack of adequate dietary magnesium; mental, emotional and environmental stressors; some drugs (diuretics, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, insulin, cortisone); heavy exercise; diabetes; gastrointestinal disorders; and excess calcium in the diet. You can only benefit from trying Natural Calm . As with vitamin C, the body will excrete any excess magnesium. Natural Calm features highly absorbable, water-soluble magnesium in ionic form, so it is ready to go to work right away. Of course, talking about Natural Calm is just talk. The only way to have The CALM Experience is to try it and feel the calm.

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